The Dennelisse LHCSA

Where Health Matters and Support Begins

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Health & Hospitals Week

The Health & Hospitals Week event was Saturday, May 21st at Gotham Health in Roosevelt, Queens. On that date The Dennelisse Company & Lower Westside Company both gave out PPE, & was there to recruit people to fill our FT Jobs. The event was from 10am to 3pm. Continue Reading

Filed Under: News

Cinco De Mayo

The Dennelisse Company’s dedicated employees always get excited to meet and greet the Bronx Community and provide needed resources at their annual Cinco De Mayo Event in May. This event took place on May 5, 2022 from 10am to 3pm. MetroPlus Health, FDNY, Sun River Health, & NYC Health & Hospital participated & set-up tables… Continue Reading

Filed Under: News

VH1’s ‘Love & Hip Hop’ Stars Speak Out in the South Bronx on World Diabetes Day

The South Bronx has the highest rate of people suffering from diabetes in the entire United States. Of the 62 counties in New York State, the Bronx ranks last in health. Against the backdrop of these dim figures, there are people in the Bronx from all walks of life standing up to do something about it. Notably, the efforts of the Bronx… Continue Reading

Dennelisse Makes Strides Against Breast Cancer

  The Dennelisse LHCSA and Lower West Side Homecare banded together again this year to form the Coalition of Hope to raise funds and walk together to fight breast cancer. This makes the fourth year that the Coalition of Hope has gathered in Central Park to participate in the Making Strides Against Cancer Walk put on by the American Cancer Society.… Continue Reading

Bronx Borough President’s Annual Back to School Literacy and Health Fair

  Lower West Side Household Services and the Dennelisse Corp were out in the community on Saturday, August 26th 2017 for the Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr.’s Annual Back to School Literacy and Health Fair put on in conjunction with Montefiore Medical Center and Healthfirst.  The 6th annual health fair was held from 11:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. at Pablo Casals Middle School 181, located at 800 Baychester Avenue, Bronx NY 10475 at the Co-op City Education Campus. Lower West Side and Dennelisse joined in support the event’s… Continue Reading

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